Top 10 best practices for email deliverability: Ensuring your newsletter emails land in the inbox

Top 10 best practices for email deliverability: Ensuring your newsletter emails land in the inbox

Ensuring that your emails land in the inbox rather than in the spam folder is crucial for the success of your newsletter business. Here are some best practices to help improve email deliverability and increase the chances of your emails reaching the inbox.

How to get your newsletter to their inbox

Use permission-based email marketing

Only send emails to subscribers who have explicitly given you permission to do so. Avoid purchasing or renting email lists, as sending emails to recipients who have not opted in can result in higher spam complaints and lower deliverability rates.

Authenticate your domain

Authenticate your domain using Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC). These authentication protocols verify that your emails are legitimate and not spoofed, which can improve your email deliverability.

Optimize your sender reputation

Your sender reputation is a critical factor in determining whether your emails go to the inbox or spam folder. Maintain a positive sender reputation by sending relevant and engaging content, avoiding spammy language, and minimizing bounces, complaints, and unsubscribes. Regularly monitor your sender reputation using reputation monitoring tools.

Use a professional email service provider (ESP)

Choose a reputable email service provider (ESP) that follows best practices and has a good sending reputation. ESPs typically have established relationships with internet service providers (ISPs) and email filters, which can help improve email deliverability.

Segment your email list

Segment your email list based on subscriber behavior, interests, or demographics, and send targeted emails to each segment. This ensures that your emails are relevant and engaging, which can lead to higher open rates and lower spam complaints, resulting in improved deliverability.

Optimize email content

Create compelling and relevant email content that resonates with your subscribers. Avoid using excessive capitalization, exclamation points, or spammy keywords in your subject lines or email body, as these can trigger spam filters. Use a balance of text and images, and optimize your images with descriptive alt tags.

Monitor blacklists

Regularly check if your domain or IP address is listed on any email blacklists. If you find your domain or IP address on a blacklist, take immediate action to identify and resolve the issue, as being blacklisted can severely impact your email deliverability.

Test emails before sending

Before sending emails to your entire list, test them using email deliverability testing tools to check how they are likely to be received by ISPs and email filters. This can help you identify and fix any deliverability issues before your emails are sent to your subscribers.

Manage bounces and complaints

Monitor and manage bounce rates and unsubscribe requests promptly. High bounce rates or spam complaints can negatively impact your sender reputation and deliverability. Remove invalid email addresses from your list, and promptly honor unsubscribe requests to maintain a healthy email list and sender reputation.

Stay compliant with email regulations

Familiarize yourself with email regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act (in the United States) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (in the European Union), and ensure that you comply with their requirements. This includes providing clear opt-out options, including your physical mailing address in your emails, and obtaining proper consent from your subscribers.

By following these best practices, you can improve your email deliverability and increase the chances of your emails reaching the inbox, ultimately leading to higher open rates, engagement, and success for your newsletter business.